2021 Internship Application

Tentative Dates of Internship: May 15—JuLy 1,2021 $2000.00 SCHOLARSHIp.

Beef Empire Days, Inc. celebrates 52 years as an organization that hosts the 10 day Beef Empire Days celebration. The 2021 show will be held in Garden City, Kansas from June 4th - June 13th 2021.

The 10 day Beef Empire Days celebration features industry events, including live and carcass cattle shows and competitions. People pleasing, food and sporting events including golf tournaments, community feeds and parades. Our Intern will write press releases, meet directly with all types of media, design power point presentations and be involved in all aspects of event planning and management.

Beef Empire Days, Inc. is looking for someone who is willing to work in a multitude of environments, various hours throughout the day and week and enjoys networking with all types of people. Our intern should also be outgoing and customer service oriented with excellent writing, computer and people skills. If you are looking for an opportunity to make an immediate impact and are interested in event management, marketing, agricultural journalism and or agricultural this is an excellent internship to get experience in agricultural, marketing, event management , journalism and public relations.

Beef Empire Days, Inc. employs a full-time Executive Director who coordinates all events and works closely with the local and statewide media. The Intern will work closely with the Executive Director in the weeks leading up to the show and throughout the two week celebration. In the final week of the internship, the Media Intern will be involved with the post show assessment and the dissemination of information. Beginning and ending internship dates are flexible depending on class schedules, etc. and we will provide living accommodations for our intern during their time in Garden City. To apply for the position of Beef Empire Days, Inc. Intern, submit a cover letter of introduction, and a resume to Gillian Stone at the Beef Empire Days office, 206 E. Fulton Terrace, Garden City, KS 67846 no later than April 1, 2021.